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Raadgeep & Berrevoets
Doetinchem, Netherlands
25mm x 16mm
The Radical Book Shop
Chicago, Illinois
29mm x 28mm
Radio City Book Store
New York, NY
51mm x 13mm
The Ramona Shop
Santa Barbara, California
36mm x 25mm
Rancho San Ysidro Shop
Canoga Park, California
34mm x 11mm
C.E. Rappaport
Libri Rari
Rome, Italy
both, 21mm x 14mm
Carl Rasch
Göttingen, Germany
29mm x 18mm
C. Rasmussen Co.
Scandinavian Books
Minneapolis, Minnesota
38mm x 26mm, ca.1920s?
Librería "El Ratón de Biblioteca"
Concepción, Chile
inkstamp, 53mm x 15mm
G. Rautter
Vienna, Austria
blindstamp, 35mm x 24mm
Raymer's Old Book Store
Seattle & Tacoma, Washington
i: 27mm x 11mm ii: 28mm x 11mm iii: 77mm x 18mm
H. & S. Raynor
Booksellers & Stationers
New York, NY
76mm x 50mm, ca. 1839
The Reader's Corner
Cairo, Egypt
26mm X 21mm, c. 1951
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
22mm x 14mm
Vienna, Austria
25mm x 17mm
The Red Door Bookshop
Chicago, Illinois
34mm x 22mm
Redwood Book Shop
Mill Valley, California
28mm x 21mm
Hugh Rees
London, England
i: 35mm x 7mm ii: 27mm x 10mm
H.M. Refsum
Universitetsbibliotheks Bogbinder
Kristiania [Oslo], Norway
20mm x 8mm, ca.1886?
Regina Book Store
H.S. Fry
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
25mm x 7mm
Gebrüder Reinecke
Hofmusik- u. Buchhandlung
Leipzig, Germany
32mm x 18mm, after 1903
The Norman Remington Co.
Baltimore, Maryland
23mm dia.
Remnant & Edmonds
London, England
i: 16mm x 9mm, ca.1840s?
ii: 21mm x 12mm, ca.1853
See also Edmonds & Remnants
Louis Rendu
Reliure & Dorure
Geneva, Switzerland
18mm x 11mm, ca.1897
J. Rentel
Buchhandlung u. Antiquariat
Potsdam, Germany
22mm x 13mm
Republic Publishing Co.
Yakima, Washington
22mm dia., ca.1920s?
Librería Rey Imprenta
Mar del Plata, Argentina
34mm x 13mm, c.1960
A.W. Rice
Stoneham, Massachusetts
29mm x 21mm
Bernard G. Richards Co.
New York, NY
35mm x 13mm, ca.1922?
Gebrüder Richter
Dillenburg, Germany
23mm x 9mm, after 1937
see also a Dill-Zeitung article [25 Sept 1998]
Ferdinand Richter
Augsburg, Germany
approx 16mm x 7mm, ca.1927
Göteborg, Sweden
19mm x 7mm
G. Ricordi & C. Editori
[music publishers]
Milan, Italy
i: inkstamp, 58mm x 16mm ii: 30mm x 31mm
Otto Riecker
Pforzheim, Germany
19mm x 10mm
Hans Riedel
Berlin, Germany
inkstamp, 49mm x 22mm
Musik Riedel Homepage | History
M. Rieger
München, Germany
27mm x 19mm
Riggs & Bro.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
32mm dia.
Des Moines, Iowa
22mm x 13mm
Ritter & Flebbe
Boston, Massachusetts
31mm x 13mm
Mansfield, Ohio
27mm x 21mm
Hotel Ritz Bazar
Lisbon, Portugal
73mm x 13mm, c.1970
Librerie Riunite
Genoa, Italy
63mm x 38mm, ca.1900-1924
Editori Riuniti
Rome, Italy
64mm x 28mm, ca.1963
The Riverside Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts
20mm x 20mm, ca.1872
Robert & Co. -- Museum-Boekhandel
Amsterdam, Netherlands
both, 16mm x 20mm
Librairie H. Robert
Geneva, Switzerland
i: inkstamp, 21mm x 10mm, ca.1907
ii: 21mm x 10mm, after 1907 iii, iv: 21mm x 9mm, after 1909
A.M. Robertson
San Francisco, California
i: 13mm x 15mm ii: 13mm x 16mm, ca.1908 iii: 15mm x 17mm, after 1917
iv: 22mm x 9mm
Robin's Bookshop
Geneva, Illinois
19mm x 26mm
Albany, New York
36mm x 33mm
J.W. Robinson Co.
Los Angeles, California
i, ii, iii: 19mm x 19mm without tear-off
iv, v: 34mm x 19mm without tear-off, ca.1926? vi: 19mm x 19mm
M. Rodriguez
Encuadernacion [bindery]
Montevideo, Uruguay
20mm x 14mm, after 1921
Rogers & Co.
Sharon, Wisconsin
36mm x 26mm
Orrin Rogers
Music Publisher
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
inkstamp, 49mm x 24mm, ca.1860s?
Books and Gifts
San Diego, California
25mm dia.
Emil Rohmkopf
[Foreign book dealer]
Leipzig, Germany
21mm x 13mm, ca.1922
Ludwig Röhrscheid
Buchhandlung & Antiquariat
Bonn, Germany
27mm x 15mm
J.B. Rolland & fils
Montreal, Canada
30mm x 18mm, ca.1870s?
Louis Roothaan
Amsterdam & Utrecht, Netherlands
inkstamp, 26mm x 11mm, ca.1880s?
E.R. Roper
Scarborough, England
12mm x 15mm, c.1872
Alfred Roscher
Dresden, Germany
21mm x 11mm, ca.1905
Stanley Rose
Fine Books
Hollywood, California
i: 21mm x 26mm
ii: 26mm x 38mm, w/o tear-off iii: 25mm x 39mm, w/o tear-off
C.G. Rosenberg & Co.
London, England
i: 46mm x 16mm, ca.1956 ii: 46mm x 16mm, ca.1958
Ross' Book Store
Brooklyn, New York
17mm x 12mm
Librairie F. Roth & Cie.
Lausanne, Switzerland
i: 51mm x 21mm ii: 25mm x 18mm
Curt Rother
Peine, Germany
27mm x 15mm
R. Rudlowski
Braunsberg, E.Prussia [now Braniewo, Poland]
26mm x 15mm, ca.1897
Librairie René Rueff
Strasbourg, France
35mm x 21mm, after 1902
J. Francis Ruggles
"Ye Bibliopoloexperto"
Bronson, Michigan
i: 43mm x 26mm, ca.1900 ii: 35mm x 25mm, ca.1900
H. Ruhfus
Dortmund, Germany
11mm x 7mm, ca.1925
Russian Language Specialties
Pullman, Michigan
51mm x 20mm
Rutgers Book Center
Highland Park, New Jersey
43mm x 13mm
Joseph Ruzicka Bookbinders
Baltimore MD, Greensboro NC, Washington DC
19mm x 11mm, after 1919
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